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The Kindness Project

Devika is a 7th Grade student at CHSS T.H Road School situated in Chenna, India. She has always shown the virtues of kindness and respect towards everyone. Every action of hers, including class projects, have been in the same line. Recently, she came up with this novel idea of feeding birds and stray dogs. She would buy them seeds and biscuits &cakes respectively, then feed them. This was to happen every Tuesday. The highlight of this project was how she found the money to buy the food. She would collect all the waste papers that our students used in class, sell it at a paper mart and with the money she receives she would buy food. She jeeps the food bowl in her class and also in trees in our school campus. Devika doesn't forget to keep a bowl of water too, along with the food! She says, "they get thirsty too right?" The beneficiaries of this amazing project include stray dogs, birds, squirrels and what not! 

In addition to buying food for the animals and birds, she also conceived the idea of feeding her own classmates, friends and even us teachers. She bought bread and jam and kept in class. Those who did not have breakfast or did not bring lunch can go to her, give an amount Rs. 2/-  and eat a slice of bread and jam. She says, I could provide this for free, but whoever is eating should hold a sense of responsibility, hence the small amount of Rs. 2/-. She also hosted a session about the project in Regional KER (Kids Education Revolution) and was an active member of the MUN (Model United Nations), representing her school. This girl has taken the idea of kindness to another level and we, even adults learn a tiny bit of love, compassion, and kindness from her actions every day. She makes us proud, this young girl!

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